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Ladybirds facts and Unique Gifts for Ladybirds Lovers

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

Did you know that not all ladybirds are red and black in colour? They come in many assorted colours, like black and white, yellow, orange, or blue. The colour depends on where they live, but the most common colour is red with black spots.

Their colour of red and black often keeps predators from eating or killing the ladybird and essentially protects it from birds or other animals that eat insects. Ladybirds live about one year after they hatch from eggs laid. They spend about three weeks eating and sometimes eat the eggs of other ladybirds that do not hatch. They build a pupa and after seven to ten days appear as adults.

Gardeners and Farmers love Ladybirds

Ladybirds eat many different bugs and are greatly beneficial to gardeners and farmers. Gardeners know they eat many insects that prey on plants and cause damage. They eat aphids, white flies, thrips, chinch bugs, beetle larvae, worms, mites and mealybugs. They sometimes feed on sweet fruits, leaves, and water. They may eat 50 white flies in one day. Farmers use them to control insects that harm crops and experiments have shown their crops have improved immensely. When food is scarce, ladybugs will often eat each other to survive.

A Sign of Good Luck

One legend says that one king spared a man from being beheaded because a ladybug kept landing on the man's neck, and they could not shoo it away. He believed it to be divine intervention and spared the man. The belief that seeing a ladybug brings good luck continues today with many gardeners and people appreciating ladybirds. Ladybirds in your home or garden are signs of good luck and fortune. They can symbolise change or transformation in your life when you see them in your home and garden.

Unique Ladybirds Gifts

Ladybirds is a quirky online business in Australia that sells unique ladybird collectibles and gifts using their attractive logo. Iconic hand painted ladybirdsloverocks are most popular, available in three sizes; small, medium, large. Also popular as paperweights and doorstoppers (specialist ordering required).

Ladybirds stationery include gorgeous quality folded gift cards in three styles and as one repeat customer said "your cards pop". Other stationery items include playing cards, mousepad, mug and spiral notebook. Ladybirds bib apron requires no ironing when hung to dry and is a treasure to wear, likewise the Ladybirds microfibre tea towel is fantastic for eliminating marks on glasses, mirrors, fridges.

Ladybirds gifts are a little 'out there', guaranteed to receive smiles on receipt. What's better than that when giving a gift. Check out their website at

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