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  • Writer's pictureLadybird

Remembering with Poppies

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

Who doesn’t have a connection be it family, friend or colleague who died in military service. On this Remembrance Day 11/11/22, we remember the fallen who served so that we who are left behind have freedom.

The symbol of Remembrance is a red poppy. It helps us to honour the dead that fought and helps us to believe in a future with peace. Poppies continue to flourish year after year in fields where they lay in Western Front, northern France and Belgium and is worldly accepted as the Emblem of Remembrance.

Canadian, John McCrae’s sums it up with his poem ‘In Flanders Fields’

"In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high

if ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

in Flanders fields."

Wearing a poppy with pride over the left side, over the heart shows respect and acknowledges the Armed Services and the sacrifices of those who served and those lost in wars and conflicts. It also symbolises hope for peaceful future. A wreath represents a circle of eternal life and continuity, normally placed at memorials and ceremonies. Traditionally, three red poppies or clusters are used to symbolise each of the armed forces; army, airforce and navy.

To make a poppy

Here is the best and quickest way to make your own poppy to wear or to add in a wreath. Once you have all the pieces cut and ready, you will have a completed perfect poppy in 5 minutes.

Required: Red satin fabric, red felt, buttons (dark), jar or lid 10cm diameter, pencil, scissors, glue gun & sticks. Optionals; florist wire, safety pin, rosemary sprig.

  1. Pencil circles 10cm from jar onto fabric and cut circles (4 satin - 1 felt for each poppy)

  2. Plug in glue gun and arm with stick glue

  3. When warm drop a small line in middle of each satin circle fabric and fold in half immediately

  4. Drop another small line on each half and fold into quarters immediately

  5. Drop a large circle in middle of felt circle and place the satin quarters with points in middle

  6. Drop a small circle in centre of points and place button - hold, glue dries in 30 secs

  7. If adding wire to flower, fold wire piece at end back and place centre of felt with drop of glue.

  8. Do this before adding satin quarters. Alternative is to place a safety pin on the rear of felt to wear

  9. Optional rosemary sprig to the back of felt circle by dropping a fine line of glue and holding

  10. Remember to unplug glue gun

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